By Robert Jonathan
38% of U.S. jobs may be quickly taken over by robots… what will the political elite do with all the unemployed humans?
A study by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers claims that robots and artificial intelligence could take over two of every five jobs in America within about the next 15 years. The results also suggest that technology will displace both white-collar and blue-collar workers, which could push wages downward. Employees in the finance, insurance, hospitality, manufacturing, food service, and transportation […]
By Daniel Barker
Man suffering from ALS creates home electronic automation system that uses eye movement and brain waves
A diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, was once considered a death sentence, but advanced automation technology is offering new hope to sufferers of the rare condition. Most ALS patients eventually face an extremely difficult choice: either die from the lack of ability to breathe once the disease progresses […]
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