By Mike Adams
Gay men #WALKAWAY from the collapsing Democrat party and its repulsive hatred, intolerance and bigotry
Gay men were once accepted as “liberal” by the Democrats, but they’re now targeted by an increasingly lunatic, deranged Leftist party that openly attacks people for being white or male. Now, a whole new movement — #WALKAWAY — has gone viral across social media as gay men (and women) denounce the hateful, bigoted tactics of […]
By Mike Adams
Why Kanye West and Alex Jones can help HEAL race relations in America
If Kanye West joined Alex Jones on InfoWars, it would be a significant healing event for race relations in America. While many “white” people voted for Obama in 2008 in the interests of racial unity, Obama only delivered hatred, division and heightened intolerance. But Kanye West could achieve what Obama only promised to deliver: Genuine […]
By Jayson Veley
Thought police now in full force on college campuses across America as insane Leftists criminalize words they don’t like
At the University of Vermont, a student who was recently accused of “explicitly racist and threatening language” against black students, as well as the university’s diversity initiatives, has been let off the hook thanks to a ruling by a judge in his favor. The student in question was Wesley Richter, who was allegedly overheard in the […]
By Mike Adams
Democrats’ desperate ploy to unseat President Trump over “mental health” false diagnosis will push America to bloody civil war
On the heels of the new book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff — which has already been largely discredited as a work of fiction — unhinged Democrats are now pushing to unseat President Trump by claiming he’s “mentally unfit for office.” This dangerous, deranged ploy is the latest desperate attempt by Democrats who first […]
By Mike Adams
Nationwide #MarchOnGoogle announced for Saturday, August 19th, across 9 U.S. cities
It’s time to dismantle the tyranny and bring down Google, the evil deep state entity that has a near-monopoly over the web. By pursuing a radical agenda of left-wing extremism, Google has become an evil, dangerous entity run by bigoted lunatics who are now systematically censoring all websites and video channels that do not conform […]
By Mike Adams
University declares gravity to be “intolerant” … removes all weighing scales from the gym to avoid “triggering” snowflake students
Machines that measure gravity’s pull on the human body have been declared “intolerant” by Carleton University, which decided to pull all body weight scales from its gym in order to avoid “triggering” snowflake students. As reported by CBC news (Canada): The paper quotes one student as saying, “Scales are very triggering” for people with eating […]
By Mike Adams
Google to start flagging content found to be “offensive” by crybully snowflakes who are triggered by reality
You might want to hurry and read this article before Google eliminates it from the “politically correct” landscape of the internet: Google has added a new “offensive” flag that allows human quality reviewers to flag whatever content they don’t like. Who, exactly, are these Google quality reviewers? Psychologically fragile crybully snowflakes, of course. These are […]
By Mike Adams
The one simple message every crybaby snowflake needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default
Every mature person in America is fed up with all the “snowflake” crybullies, whiners and “faux outrage” activists screaming and protesting on cue with blind obedience. So today, I’ve released a message that every “snowflake” needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default. You are not remarkable simply for existing. There’s nothing whatsoever […]
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