Team Trump getting it done for the voters: Obama’s legacy being steadily dismantled

Away from the distraction of the daily establishment media narratives – that the Trump White House is in “chaos” and that “Russia hacked the election” – the president and his department heads are busy doing what they promised they would do: Disassembling President Obama’s massive regulatory regime that sapped the economy, moved jobs overseas and left record numbers of Americans hooked on a government check.

As reported by The Associated Press, President Donald J. Trump is moving steadily to fulfill key campaign pledges that include cleanly bolstering American energy independence, peeling away layers of regulation and bolstering states’ authority to withhold funds from Planned Parenthood. (RELATED: Trump To Take “SWAT Team” Approach To Dismantling Massive Federal Bureaucracy.)

Per the AP:

Amid the turmoil over staff shake-ups, blocked travel bans and the Russia cloud hanging overhead, President Donald Trump is steadily plugging away at a major piece of his agenda: Undoing Obama. 

From abortion to energy to climate change and personal investments, Trump is keeping his promises in methodically overturning regulations and policies adopted when Barack Obama was president.

The AP noted further that not everything Trump has attempted has worked to his advantage or turned out the way he wanted. His two executive orders banning travel to the U.S. from seven terrorism-infested countries have been struck down by activist federal judges despite the fact that the law is clearly on the president’s side. And the recent effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, which Trump backed, did not even make it to a vote in the House.

That said, Trump and Republicans are fully aware repealing Obamacare, which is collapsing, is vital to achieving a major campaign pledge not only made by Trump but also by congressional Republicans, many of whom have vowed to repeal the law since it passed in 2010 with no GOP support.

But aside from that, Trump and his administration have made major progress in rolling back the Obama legacy:

— Climate Change: Trump and his new EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, have long known the so-called “settled science” claiming that human activity is causing the planet to warm is a sick hoax perpetuated by Leftist globalists to destroy capitalism and control populations. Last week, Trump signed an executive order aimed at unraveling Obama rules ostensibly aimed at restricting coal-fired power plant emissions, but that would, in reality, cause many to close and electricity rates to dramatically rise – all while having a negligible effect, at best, on temperatures.

Remember this flashback from his 2008 campaign?

— Abortion: Trump is expected to put his signature to legislation that gets rid of another Obama rule barring states from withholding federal tax money to Planned Parenthood, and any other abortion providers. This fits in well with Trump’s pledge to re-implement federalist principles allowing states to once again exert the historic constitutional role in deciding what’s in their own best interests.

— Regulatory relief: Some of Trump’s first executive orders included a hiring freeze for the federal government (with the exception of the military and national security positions) and a requirement that for every new rule agencies implemented, they must get rid of two existing rules. (RELATED: Another Promise Fulfilled: Trump Signs Executive Order Slashing Burdensome Regulations.)

— Pipelines: Trump made several campaign pledges to improve the economy and opportunities for Americans, and they included moving towards energy independence, and creating and bringing back jobs. He accomplished both by reversing Obama’s decisions to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline.

­— Personal finance: Trump has told his Department of Labor to delay implementation of a rule that would have required financial professionals to limit the choices of retirees by forcing asset managers to only steer clients toward low-risk options, even if they wanted to choose a higher risk, higher-yield investment. This puts investing choice back in the hands of the client, not the federal government.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

